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Meadowcrest Development​


The Meadowcrest PRD is a mixed single family and multi-family residential development located along
Klein and Hoffman Roads, in New
Sewickley Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania.


The development consists of 113 single family lots, 4 duplex units in 2 buildings, and 100 quad units in 25 buildings, for a total of 217 residential units.


The development also includes access roads, driveways, associated grading, utility installation, and twelve (12)
stormwater management facilities.


Meadowcrest Development 

Wastewater Treatment Plant



The proposed project will serve 250 EDU’s. For sewage planning purposes, an assumed flow of 400 gallons
per day (gpd) from each proposed dwelling was used to estimate the peak flow for treatment. At 250
EDUs and 400 gpd/EDU the projected peak sewage flows are 100,000 gpd. 


The treatment facility will be designed for a peak flow of 100,000 gpd with an effluent discharge to an unnamed tributary of Brush Creek.


Marble Surface

Meadowcrest Conditional Use



Objectors' Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

Marble Surface

Meadowcrest Conditional Use



Board of Supervisors of New Sewickley Township

Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and DECISION

Marble Surface

Meadowcrest Notice of Land Use Appeal​


In the Court of Common Pleas of

Beaver County, Pennsylvania

Marble Surface

Meadowcrest Final Planned Residential Development 


Final​ Application

LSSE Initial Review (PRD)

LSSE Initial Review (Phase 1)

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